[Card News] ESG basics ① Definition & Background
2021.03.15 | SKinno News


Recently, ESG has become a hot topic, a trending keyword in the media and mentioned by so many companies in many countries. It is no longer a term understood among those have financial knowledge but everyone who is working in a corporate or just reading news here and there.


But did you know that it has been nearly two decades since the term ESG was first coined?


While it used to be a controversial concept and many are still doubting whether ESG is just another fad or overhyped, it is undeniable that in recent few years, more and more companies have started to integrated ESG into their management.


Since last November, we also released a series regarding SK Innovation’s ESG management, which includes a few episodes showing the examples from our products and business sites.


However, before we look further into how SK Innovation is applying ESG management, let us go back to the basics to make sure we do understand the concept of ESG.


We hope our new series “ESG basics” will be a compact but meaningful tool for our readers, because it is always necessary to learn the ropes before we can do something well.


*Disclaimer: Opinions and information included in this series derived from several sources believed to be reliable at the time of compilation. Some are subject to change, and do not necessarily reflect SK Innovation and SKinno News’ point of view.



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