Legal Notices

Welcome to SKinno News!

At SKinno News, we are committed to fostering meaningful connections with our customers by providing a diverse range of engaging content. To ensure clarity in how we share this content, we have outlined key policies below. We kindly ask you to review and understand the Terms of Use carefully before accessing or using our website. By accessing or using the website, you are acknowledging and agreeing to be bound by these Terms of Use.

Besides these Terms of Use, we also publish a Privacy Policy. Although it’s not part of these terms, we encourage you to read it to gain a better understanding of how you can process, update, manage, export, and delete your information.

Terms of Use


SKinno News does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information posted on this site. Any use of this information is at the user's own risk, and SKinno News assumes no liability for any outcomes arising from such use.

Intellectual Property Rights

Content and images created and owned by SKinno News may be used as allowed by these terms and any specific additional terms, provided that you credit the source as "SKinno News, the official newsroom of SK Innovation. SKinno News retains any and all intellectual property rights associated with our content. Please note that failure to credit the source correctly may result in legal action. These rights are protected by copyright, trademark, and other relevant laws. Users must respect these rights and must not engage in unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or modification of the content. Unauthorized use may be considered a violation of copyright or trademark law and could result in legal consequences. Additionally, please note that some content and images provided by external sources may have usage restrictions, so be sure to refer to the guidelines below for further details.

Customer Response Policy

SKinno News is dedicated to providing sincere responses to customer inquiries related to the marketing and event content shared on this website. For questions that fall outside the scope of this website's objectives (such as inquiries about SK Innovation’s services or product suggestions), we will direct customers to the appropriate department(s) for further assistance.

Management Policy

SKinno News posts and shares various types of content, including texts, images, and videos, and offers a comment feature to encourage public interaction. While users are welcome to freely comment on any post, SKinno News is not responsible for any consequences arising from these comments. Additionally, any posts or comments that violate our Content/Comment Policy may be removed at the operator's discretion.

Comment Policy

To promote open communication, all comments posted by users on SKinno News are made publicly available. However, the following types of comments may be deleted or restricted by the operator without prior notice to safeguard our customers and the reputation of SK Innovation:

Changes to the Terms of Use

We reserve the right to revise and update these Terms of Use at our sole discretion. Any changes will take effect immediately upon being posted and will apply to all subsequent access to and use of the Website. By continuing to use the Website after the revised Terms of Use are posted, you indicate your acceptance of and agreement to the changes.