SK Enmove
SK Enmove earns Gold rating in prestigious EcoVadis ESG assessment
2024.09.19 | SKinno News

■ Achieved Gold status, placing in the top 5%, on the first attempt with EcoVadis, the global ESG supply chain assessment agency

■ Received high scores in labor and human rights, as well as ethics categories


SK Enmove announced on the 19th (KST) that it has been awarded the Gold rating by EcoVadis, the globally recognized ESG supply chain assessment agency. This achievement, placing the company in the top 5%, reflects SK Enmove’s robust capabilities in ESG management.

EcoVadis is a globally recognized provider of business sustainability ratings. It evaluates over 130,000 companies across more than 160 countries on four key criteria: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. The ratings are categorized into four levels: Platinum (top 1%), Gold (top 5%), Silver (top 25%), and Bronze (top 50%). This focused evaluation on supply chain management and sustainability performance has made EcoVadis ratings increasingly significant among manufacturing firms looking to enhance trust and establish sustainable supply chains.

SK Enmove earned the highest marks in Labor & Human Rights and Ethics, along with universally strong evaluations across all criteria, resulting in a Gold rating on its first assessment attempt. As global customers increasingly demand higher ESG assessment ratings, SK Enmove intends to proactively strengthen its business capabilities by aligning with evolving global ESG regulations.

To enhance its ESG management, SK Enmove has developed a comprehensive mid- to long-term ESG roadmap and has been transparently sharing its sustainability initiatives and achievements through regular ESG reports. In Labor & Human Rights, the company publishes an annual Human Rights Management Report, implementing a “Human Rights Due Diligence Process” to identify, prevent, mitigate, and address the negative impacts of business activities on human rights. Recognizing its efforts, SK Enmove was certified as a family-friendly company by the Korean Ministry of Gender Equality and Family in 2022, thanks to various programs that promote a family-friendly culture, such as reduced working hours for pregnant and childcare periods and family counseling services.

In the field of Ethics, SK Enmove has been hosting “Ethical Management Practice Workshops” to cultivate and promote strong ethical values among its employees. Starting last year, the company expanded its ethical training programs to include staff at its overseas subsidiaries and branches.

An SK Enmove representative stated, “Earning the Gold rating from EcoVadis empowers us to proactively meet the expectations of global stakeholders and enhances our competitiveness in the international market. Looking ahead, we are committed to pursuing sustainable growth and delivering even greater value to our customers and society.”


[Photo] EcoVadis Gold Medal

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