CEO & Leaders
2023 SK On CEO New Year’s Greetings
2023.01.02 | SKinno News

“Let’s consolidate internal stability along with continued growth”


Dear SK On Family!


2023, the Year of the Hare has dawned. I wish you, all SK On family members, to start this New Year with full of hope and prosperity.


2022 was a meaningful year as we laid the foundation of growth as a top-tier global battery company, while we fully engaged to start writing our own financial story at the same time. We established a global multi-manufacturing system through building and expanding our manufacturing sites and opening new production facilities in the US, Europe and Asia simultaneously. BlueOval SK was also successfully launched. I sincerely send my deepest gratitude to all SK On family members for making their utmost efforts in their respective fields for the growth of the company in spite of the challenging circumstances.


Even more uncertainty is expected in 2023 for the global businesses. Nonetheless, I have no doubt that we will push through these challenges again, thanks to our built-in DNA of overcoming crisis. I would like to underline following three things that will help us to achieve continued substantial growth in the New Year.


First, we should achieve continued growth through production stabilization and advancement.


We have already set our foot on the right track to grow into a top-tier global company with large business contracts we have won. For the New Year, I’d like to ask you to show dire competencies across the company to further increase the productivities at the existing sites and for the early ramp up of the new global sites. We will drive our manufacturing competitiveness to the highest level through this.


Second, let’s achieve a turnaround through stabilizing the internal management system.


Growth that is founded on strong management system can be warranted for its long life. We need to strengthen and upgrade the management system with building and enhancing the system process that fits the scale of our demand/sales. At the same time, we will create a growth in quality and achieve performance turnaround through improved productivity and cost efficiency across all sites. I invite all SK On family members to join in on this journey with a more VWBE attitude in their respective fields.


Third, we should do our best to strengthen the key competitiveness in each field.


The battery industry is expected to be fiercely competitive next year. We, SK On, should strive to achieve world-class competitiveness in every fields to further build up the trust of customers and the market in SK On. To achieve that, I ask SK On family members to strive to enhance their competence and competitive edge as experts in their respective fields including manufacturing, quality, R&D and marketing.


My beloved SK On family members!


There is an old saying ‘착기부주(着綦復走: Chak-ki-bu-ju),’ which means ‘to fix up your shoelaces and continue to race.’ As we welcome the Year of the Hare, let’s all work together to attain continuous growth, management system improvement, and strengthen competitiveness. Leaders including myself will also run the race at full speed along with SK on family.


I hope 2023, the New Year will bring SK On family members and theirs great happiness and prosperity.


January 2, 2023

CEO Jee Dong-seob of SK On


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